The biggest question of them all is how to title an essay perfectly? There is no just one answer. Instead, you will have to use several tips, all of which are covered below to provide the best possible title to all your essays. These tips can make a massive difference and let’s see why.

  1. Always write an essay and then the title

    The first tip e regarding how to title an essay is the most important and also the strangest. All professional writers have a working title while writing essays. This is the title that can be easily changed and replaced completely when needed. There are two main benefits of writing the essay and then giving the title to it.

    The first benefit is obvious. You will be able to give a much better title and more suitable one. After all, you know all about the essay and the purpose of it. As such, your title will be better and more suitable.

    The second advantage is the fact you can use the time you would waste for giving the title on research and writing. The end result is less time needed for writing an essay in general. Now you know why all writers write an essay and then the title.

  2. Keep the title brief and direct

    If you want to give the best possible title for your essay, keep it as simple as possible. If we take a look at some of the best essays ever written, we can see that all of them have simple and direct titles based on simple and obvious words.

    When you provide a simple title, the content will sound more appealing for the readers and you can intrigue them much more in less time. They will also know all about the essay and they will know is it worthy of reading. If you have a long and wide title, it will look like poor-quality content!

  3. Use between 2 and 5 words

    It may sound strange, but giving the best possible title involves just a few words. If you want to know how to title an essay perfectly, just remember that all of the great papers have short titles. Most experts will tell you that 2 words are sufficient, which may look inappropriate for some students. The goal of the title is to answer the main topic and intrigue the readers, not reveal the arguments!

    Of course, in some cases, you won’t be able to give a suitable title using two words only. It is simply impossible and too short in order to explain the essence of the paper. When that happens, be free to use up to 5 words. Anything more than that isn’t a desirable outcome.

  4. Match the tone of the essay and the title

    This is another, important tip based on most mistakes students make. What this means is that some of you will write a serious and professional essay and then try to be funny and give a catchy and funny title. Always avoid this because the result will be bad.

    Your title and essay are one thing and as such they must be linked or better said based on each other. If the essay is professional, keep the title professional as well. If the essay is a personal statement, you can be funny and try to sound intelligent. Never use a title which is different than the essay tone!

  5. Use quote when possible

    It is known that school-based essays are possible to pair with the quotes, especially the titles. Of course, you must not copy the entire quote and call it yours. Instead, you can use a part of it and change the rest. What this means is that the title will be unique, yet it will sound professional.

    This tip applies in some cases, not all of them. Using the quote helps your essay sound more professional and more detailed.

We are positive that now you know how to title an essay like a professional. These tips are used by actual writers who wrote some of the most desirable bestsellers and as such, they have a huge effect on your essay, your writing and will affect your education success.